Toddler development: 21 to 23 months

It's amazing to watch your child become more coordinated, independent, attentive and aware of the world around him. As he enters his 21st month, you'll see those skills becoming even more refined and polished.

The work of toddler play

At this age, playing is how your toddler learns about behaving in the world. He may be self-centred at the moment, but he's slowly mastering the social skills he'll use later on. Your toddler is starting to understand simple commands, which makes for more interesting play. Practise giving your toddler two-step commands like “Get your shoes and put them on” or “Pick up the toys and put them in this box”.

Encourage mimicking

Toddlers this age like to imitate what adults are doing, such as sweeping the floor and raking leaves. Consider giving your toddler his own broom or rake to help out.

Get outside

Going outdoors gives your toddler the chance to run, climb and jump. These activities help him become more coordinated and burn off energy. Take advantage of park playgrounds.

Host play dates

Spending time with peers is the best way for your toddler to socialise. As long as they're safe, let them work out how to play together, even if it's more parallel than interactive play.

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