8 weeks pregnant
8 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
This week, hands and feet are forming tiny webbed fingers and toes. The tail that your little one has been sporting starts to disappear.
Tummy works. As the intestines form, a middle loop moves into the umbilical cord because there's not enough room for it in the abdomen. Even at this early stage, the intestines are carrying waste away from the body. A month from now, when there's more room in your little one's belly, the intestines will move out of the cord and back into the abdomen.
Live wire. If you could poke your baby's body, you'd see it react with a jerk. The developing nervous system is already communicating with the muscles.

8 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Getting good care. Whether you pick an ob-gyn, a family doctor, a nurse practitioner or a midwife, it's important that you’re comfortable with his or her philosophy and practices. Your visits are usually scheduled once a month until the last two months of your pregnancy, when they will become more frequent until your baby’s arrival. These regular check-ups give you the perfect opportunity to ask questions and bring up concerns, so come prepared!
When to tell. Some women tell close friends and family about their upcoming arrival right away. Others choose to wait until they're past the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is much lower.
Did you know? Your baby is very busy developing! His or her intestines are starting to form, tiny webbed fingers and toes are beginning to develop, and eyes appear on the side of the head.
Quick tip for moms. By now, you should have completed your first pre-natal visit with your healthcare provider. If you’re experiencing morning sickness, try keeping crackers at your bedside to eat before you get up and strive for five to six small meals a day, rather than three large meals. Don’t forget to stay away from greasy foods!
8 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Find a physician, nurse-practitioner, or midwife you like and trust
Once you've chosen a provider, schedule your monthly prenatal care appointments
With your partner, plan how you’ll share the big news with family and friends
Sign up for even more pregnancy tips