24 weeks pregnant
24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Energiser baby. Settling in for a quiet night's rest? Your baby probably has other ideas. Babies are most active between 24 and 28 weeks. After that, there won't be enough room for the flips and dives that he or she has spent weeks perfecting.
See-through skin. Your baby’s skin is so thin that it's possible to see the blood vessels, bones and organs beneath it. Skin will continue to thicken as the months pass until it's as opaque as yours.
Eye spy. Your baby’s eyes will be fully developed by the end of this month. Although the iris still doesn't have any pigmentation, the colour will fill in over the next few months. But the final shade won't be settled until after birth.

24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Premature labour alert. From here on, you need to keep an eye out for the signs of premature labour. The most common symptoms are menstrual-like cramps, a change in vaginal discharge, a dull ache in your lower back, uterine contractions, pressure on your pelvis (as if the baby is pushing down on it) or fluid leaking or gushing from your vagina. Pay attention to your body; if the symptoms persist, call your healthcare provider straight away. Fluid gushing from your vagina needs immediate medical attention.
Did you know? Your baby’s face is almost fully formed and if you see an ultrasound, you might be able to tell who he or she looks like! Even though the eyelids are fused shut, by the end of this week, baby’s eyes will be fully developed, including the retina.
Quick tip for moms: If you’re feeling tired, weak, short of breath or have fainting spells, you could be anaemic. Be sure to include iron-rich foods in your diet, such as liver or other red meats; yellow, red, green or brown lentils and leafy greens, such as spinach and kale. Your pre-natal vitamin may also include iron.
24 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Familiarize yourself with the signs of preterm labor
Seek immediate medical attention if any fluid leaks or gushes from your vagina
Talk to your partner about your new roles as parents and how it may affect your relationship
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