20 weeks pregnant
20 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
This week, your baby is completely covered in vernix, the creamy substance protecting his or her delicate skin from the amniotic fluid.
Making sense. Baby’s brain has been working overtime to develop the nerve centres dedicated to senses. As they come alive, your little one is more responsive to your activity, sounds in the environment and even the taste of the amniotic fluid.
Pick up a hiccup. Besides the rolling, diving and kicking, you might also feel rhythmic jerking. Most babies get the hiccups in utero, possibly due to an immature diaphragm having spasms. No need to worry though–they’re not causing any harm.
Sprouting a top. This new hair isn't lanugo; it's the real deal. But most of it will fall out about two weeks after birth. Elsewhere on your baby's head, the bones of the inner ear are now fully formed and the nose is beginning to take shape.

20 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Hump week. Congratulations–you’re halfway there! At 20 weeks, your uterus has grown to three times its original height. When your healthcare provider measures it, he or she probably will find that the top is now even with your belly button. From here on out, your uterus will grow approximately one centimetre per week until your baby arrives.
Womb with a view. At this stage, your healthcare provider may want to perform an ultrasound to check your baby's development, confirm your due date, screen for certain birth defects and ensure the health of the placenta and umbilical cord. Whether or not you want to know the gender, this peek inside the uterus may make impending parenthood seem more real.
Did you know? What’s that rhythmic jerking you may feel? Baby’s immature diaphragm may have spasms causing hiccups! Your little one is continuing to grow hair on the scalp and eyebrows, but any hair present at birth will probably be replaced with new hair in the first weeks of life.
Quick tip for moms: You’re halfway there and you can definitely feel baby moving around! If you’re starting to be bothered by haemorrhoids (swollen veins in your rectum), drink lots of fluids, add fibre to your diet and stay active with exercise. You can also check with your healthcare provider about safe, over-the-counter creams that give relief.
20 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Celebrate … you’re halfway there!
Have your mid-pregnancy ultrasound
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