2 Months Pregnant: Pregnancy Month by Month

At two months pregnant, you might be feeling overwhelmed, excited, worried, happy — maybe even a mixture of these emotions, and more. That's pregnancy for you.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms at Two Months Pregnant

In the second month of your pregnancy, some commonly experienced pregnancy symptoms can include:

  • Mood changes

  • Morning sickness

  • Food cravings and aversions

  • Slight swelling of hands and feet

  • Heartburn and indigestion

  • Constipation

  • Bloating

  • Flatulence

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

Although not all of these pregnancy symptoms are pleasant, they are a normal part of being pregnant, and you may only experience some of them.

Mood changes: One of the reasons for these pregnancy mood swings is that your body is flooded with hormones, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, and estrogen. These hormones may also play a role in other pregnancy symptoms like gas, constipation, heartburn, dizziness, changes in skin pigment (like darker nipples), muscle pain, and spider veins.

Your moods might also fluctuate based on how you're feeling physically. For example, if you are suffering from heartburn and dizziness, then it's natural to feel a little down.

Morning sickness: In the first trimester, you might experience what's known as morning sickness. Though it often occurs in the morning, this nausea and vomiting can actually strike at any time of day. The good news is that for many women, morning sickness subsides in the second trimester.

To help combat morning sickness, maintain a balanced diet, staying away from greasy and spicy foods when possible, and go for smaller, more frequent meals to avoid an empty stomach. When you wake up in the morning, try eating some plain crackers before getting out of bed to help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Rest, stay hydrated, and maybe even try sniffing or sucking on some lemon wedges.

Cravings: Other pregnancy symptoms you might experience at around two months pregnant are food cravings and aversions. It's not really clear why these preferences occur, and, although they might seem weird, they are very common during pregnancy. Seek medical advice if you have cravings for non-food items like chalk or dirt.

Two Months Pregnant: Changes Inside and Out

Fetal Development: In the second month of pregnancy, your little one, now known as a fetus, develops facial features such as the mouth, tongue, and nose. The eyelids close over and won't open for several months. The buds of the ears will grow into a more prominent ear shape. In addition to little fingers and toes, toenails will grow. Your little one may start to make small movements, though you won't be able to feel these yet.

By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the organs, skeleton, and limbs will be in place. The placenta will have also formed and will provide nutrients to your little one over the rest of the pregnancy.

Changes to Your Body: At this stage, your body won't look dramatically different, but your breasts may start to feel heavier and look fuller. At some point during pregnancy, some women also develop red- and purple-colored varicose veins, caused by increased blood volume and elevated hormone levels. Exercise can help prevent varicose veins, and for many women, they subside a few months after the delivery.

Second Month of Pregnancy Quick List

  • Early pregnancy appointments: Keep all of your prenatal appointments to make sure you’re staying healthy and progressing well. As early as this month, and often at your first appointment, your healthcare provider will be able to hear the fetal heartbeat. If you are expecting twins or more there will be more than one heartbeat.

  • Follow a healthy diet: Your provider will be able to advise you on a nutritious and healthy pregnancy diet, and answer any questions you may have.

  • Pregnancy emotions: At two months pregnant, your emotional life might be a rollercoaster of highs and lows. Seek out a support group or speak to understanding loved ones about how you’re feeling.

  • Calculate your due date: If you haven’t yet calculated your due date, head over to the Pampers Due Date Calculator tool to find out when to expect your little one.

  • Sign up for even more pregnancy tips.

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