16 weeks pregnant

16 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development

Sitting tall. Thanks to strengthening muscles, your little one is working on lifting his or her head and neck from the curved position.

16 weeks pregnancy guide by Pampers PH

16 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms

Taking sides. As you might have noticed, sleeping on your tummy is pretty much impossible at this stage. It's also thought that lying on your back can increase pressure on the vena cava, the blood vessel that returns blood to your heart, so lying on your left side is best. Sleeping in this position increases your circulation, which can help to minimise your chances of developing oedema (swelling) and varicose veins.

Heavy breathing. Out of breath crossing the room? Pregnancy hormones cause fluid to collect in your lungs, making it harder for you to draw big breaths. Later on, your growing uterus will compound the problem by placing pressure on your diaphragm and reducing the space in which your lungs can expand.

Timely test. Now is the time to speak with your healthcare provider about the pros and cons of the AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) test. This is a simple blood test that screens for birth defects like Down's syndrome and spina bifida, and must be performed between weeks 16 and 18.

Did you know? Are you feeling your baby moving? Those well-developed little arms and legs are moving frequently now, so you’ll notice baby’s activity in the next few weeks. Your little one is also beginning to hear, so these movements may be in response to sound.

Quick tip for moms: Now is the time to enjoy being pregnant! Those bothersome symptoms of early pregnancy have probably gone, and you are likely to have more energy. Enjoy this time by staying active with walks, a swim or a yoga class. And now that you’re starting to look pregnant, treat yourself to some maternity clothes to show off your new shape.

16 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist

  • Start sleeping on your side, if you’re not already

  • Speak with your healthcare provider about the pros and cons of the AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) test

  • Plan or take a trip — a babymoon! — with your partner

  • Sign up for even more pregnancy tips

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