11 weeks pregnant
11 Weeks Pregnant: Your Baby’s Development
Your tiny resident's head alone is nearly half the length of the body, which shows you how rapidly your little genius is growing.
Meet the beat. Your little one's heart has been beating furiously for weeks, but it's only just become loud enough to hear. A foetus's heart beats twice as fast as yours, anywhere between 120 to 160 beats per minute. The heart has become a proper four-chambered structure over the last month, although some of the dividing walls won't be complete until after birth.
Skin is in. A fine layer of skin has been forming over your baby's body during the last few weeks. Another layer will develop into fingernails and toenails.

11 Weeks Pregnant: Your Symptoms
Must have it. Some experts think that cravings are your body's way of telling you what it needs. Others disagree. While no one really knows why cravings occur during pregnancy, there's no question that nearly every expectant woman has a yearning for particular foods.
'C' baby grow. While you're pregnant, you need 80 to 100 milligrams of Vitamin C every day. Vitamin C helps your baby to build new cells and develop healthy bones and teeth. Adding oranges, papaya, strawberries and broccoli to your diet can easily increase your Vitamin C.
The Rh test. During your pregnancy, you will be tested for a protein called the Rh factor. Even if you are negative, but baby's father is Rh-positive, your child may be Rh-positive. This condition could have serious health consequences for your little one, as your body may make antibodies against his or her Rh-positive blood. But don't worry! It is treatable by an injection of a substance called Rhogam that you will receive between weeks 28 and 29 of your pregnancy. You may also receive an injection after birth to protect future pregnancies.
Did you know? Baby's heart is beating strongly – in fact, it beats twice as fast as yours, anywhere between 120-160 beats per minute! Your little one’s hands and feet now have individual fingers and toes, and the fingernail and toenail beds begin to develop.
11 Weeks Pregnant: Your Checklist
Consume at least 85 milligrams of vitamin C every day
Start learning about breastfeeding and other newborn care topics
Start a baby registry
Sign up for even more pregnancy tips