How to manage and relieve stress during pregnancy?

Stress Busting

Stress during pregnancy is not good for you or your baby. It can heighten feelings of anxiety and affect your sleep and your appetite. But taking a few simple steps to relieve stress – such as exercising a few times a week – can make all the difference.

Am I over-stressed?

Stress Relief

Pregnancy can be a stressful time and you can experience a moods during pregnancy. It is normal for you to occasionally feel anxious or fed-up, but if pregnancy stress is causing symptoms like sleeplessness, headaches, loss of appetite or food binges, then you need to find ways to relax and unwind. Remember, pregnancy stress affects not just you but your baby, too.

Try these stress-relievers:

  • Evaluate your daily life and see where things could improve. Can you decrease your working hours? Can you get some help at home? Are there things that could be postponed until after the birth?

  • Talk to someone about emotions in pregnancy. Sometimes just discussing things with a friend or your partner can help

  • Take a walk a few times a week. Exercise relieves tension.

  • Take a warm bubble bath and listen to soothing music to reduce your stress.

  • Learn a relaxation technique, like meditation. This will help you clear your mind and soothe your body as well as get to know your emotions in pregnancy better.

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