Preventing baby sunburn

Help your child to avoid sunburn by keeping him out of the sun at midday and covering him up whenever he's outside. Hats, long sleeves and trousers as well as pushchair shades offer great protection. Remember, your child can get sunburnt at any time of the year, in any weather – cloudy or bright.

Treating sunburn

If your child does get sunburned, ease his discomfort by placing a cool flannel on the burned skin for at least 20 minutes. Your healthcare provider might also recommend paracetamol or ibuprofen. A greasy ointment like petroleum jelly or aloe vera will help to heal your child's skin, lessen his pain and prevent dryness. If the sunburn blisters, it's a second-degree burn and needs medical attention.

Learn more about sun safety.


Avoid re-burning: Any skin that's been damaged by the sun will need extra protection for a full year.

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